Docu + 2 days

It’s been two days since I announced docu, my simple documentation generator for .Net apps.

The reception it’s received has been positive, I never expected it to have a surge of popularity because it’s not that kind of tool, so it hasn’t come as much of a surprise that people haven’t been jumping all over it. Having said that though, I have had some good feedback and already someone has contributed a patch. Additionally, there hasn’t been one question as to why I’ve created it; now this has come as a surprise, I guess I’m not the only one that feels Sandcastle is bloated and overcomplicated. Yay!

I’ve just pushed out some changes to the github repos and released an updated alpha (v0.1.0.2) on the downloads page. The biggest changes so far are the inclusion of events and fields in the parsing, which now means docu has <summary /> support for all documentable members. The rest of the changes are mainly refactorings and some battle-hardening.

I’ve got some more changes and several issues lined up, so keep an eye out.